Child and Parent Relationship Problems

The relationship between parent and child takes several turns in the journey of life. Starting from Newborn baby to adolescent to young mature person to the stage of maturity in all these steps after adolescent stage, 3 main reasons are the main culprit for the bad relationship between parent and child and they are: Lack of Trust, Lack of communication and lack of respect. Many times we see both parents and kids tend to get into relationship issues because of these 3 main reasons. These reasons are the factors of issue or differences like – family dynamics and issues, epidemiology means the history of bad health, parental factors, Social/environmental factors, Child factors, Discipline problems, Educational problems, and others. If we detail these factors into the key issues then they are:

  • Large families.
  • Family stress: working parents, job dissatisfaction, fatigue, stress and time, household chores.
  • Violence within the home.
  • Child sex abuse.
  • Trauma.
  • A chronically ill or disabled child.
  • Undiagnosed psychological or developmental problems – eg, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorders.
  • The difficult temperament of a child and a clash in parenting style.
  • The Fragile emotional temperament of a child.
  • Peer pressures.
  • Poverty
  • Neglect and/or abandonment; adopted children or children from foster homes.
  • Residential instability.
  • Family conflict and discord: lack of structure and discipline, disagreement about child rearing.
  • Parental control is too tight.
  • Overprotection is a risk factor for childhood anxiety.
  • Marital conflict, divorce or separation
  • Involvement of the father
  • Maternal depression, including postpartum depression.
  • Parental mental illness.
  • Parental physical illness.
  • Parental alcohol and substance abuse.
  • Re-marriage/stepfamilies.

There are many more such issues in regards to child and parent relationship which need to care for in time before it gets worse. Therefore, we at Being Spiritual Foundation will help you to solve these issues.

Solutions for Child and Parent Relationship Problems

Parents sometimes face different levels of relationship problems. We at Being Spiritual Foundation provide the best solution for all kinds of child-parent relationships issues through spiritual therapies and consultation while keeping/maintaining the highest level of privacy.

These relationship issues between child and parents various for Boychild and Girlchild. Both genders have common as well as gender-specific issues. Also, children of different ages have different levels and kinds of relationship issues with their parents and many a time parent and child both don’t know what is/are the main reasons for these issues in their relationship. Thus, we at Being Spiritual Foundation know and help you to managed and solve them. 

Masters at Being Spiritual Foundation manages these child-parent relationship issues through any one or more modalities like Aura Reading, Quantum Healing, Energy Healing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy, Life Regression Therapy, Numerology, Vedic Astrology, Scientific Vastu Shastra, Lama Fera, and Asthang Yoga and try to provide quick and effective solutions so that they both child and parents can live as Happy family. So, please connect with us for Free consultation before we can start the therapy/session to solve the parent-child issues.

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Program details: Under this package, sessions duration will be decided by the Master or by respective masters/Gurus after consultation and analyzing the case and issues.


  • Silent Place/Room.
  • You should know how to operate Zoom or a video call app. This is not a technical course on Zoom. 

What people Said About Us

Masters on Being Spiritual Foundation

Shashipriya Vansal

Yoga Master

Balesh Sharma

Holistic Healer for Health, Wealth and Relationship

Dharmendra Kumar

Founder, Health Wellness Expert

Sushma Gupta

Reiki Healer and Past life Therapist

Om Prakash Yadav

Naturopathy Master

Shashi Lohiia


Abhishek SenGupta

Trainer and Motivational Speaker

Rita Singhal

Reiki Grand Master

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