Yoga Guru Shahsipriya

(PG Diploma in Yogic Science, M.A in Yoga, and RYS 200hr Yoga Alliance – USA).
The benefits of Ashtanga yoga are numerous as it is known to be strenuous, so it is great for athletes and people that are looking for a good workout. Like most styles of hatha yoga, Ashtanga focuses on breath, poses, and meditation. At Being Spiritual Foundation through Ashtanga yoga, we help you to practice “eight-limbed yoga,” postures and they are also treated as spiritual practices:
- Yama [moral codes]
- Niyama [self-purification and study]
- Asana [posture]
- Pranayama [breath control]
- Pratyahara [sense control]
- Dharana [concentration]
- Dhyana [meditation]
- Samadhi [absorption into the Universal]
We at Being Spiritual foundation will help you to learn and practice the first four limbs—Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama— which are considered external cleansing practices along with the second four Limbs and second four internal cleansing practices—Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi—bring the mind under control.
Program details: Under this package, these sessions will be held every day between 6 AM to 7 AM for 1 month (Sunday off).
- Yoga matt or matt which is best for Yoga practice.
- You should know how to operate Zoom or a video call app. This is not a technical course on Zoom. This is a therapeutic course on how to do any past life session, including how to adapt to doing PLR sessions online.
Testimonials on Yoga Sessions
- Yama (Principles or moral code)
- Ahimsa – A principle of non-violence
- Satya – A principle of Truthfulness
- Asteya – A principle of nonstealing
- Brahmacharya – Continence / Celibacy
- Aparigah – A principle of non-hoarding or non-possessiveness
- Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
- Shoucha – Purity
- Santosh – Contentment
- Tapa – Endurance
- Swadhyaya – Self-study
- Eshwar Pranidhan – Dedication
- Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures): A stable and comfortable posture that helps attain mental equilibrium.
- Pranayama (Yogic Breathing): Extension and control of breath.
- Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses): A mental preparation to increase the power of the mind.
- Dharana (Concentration on Object): Concentration of mind on one object and its field.
- Dhyan (Meditation): Withdrawing mind from all external objects and Focusing it on one point and meditating on it.
- Samadhi (Salvation): State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness into universal consciousness. Realizing the Bramhan (pure consciousness) or Realization of God is the ultimate achievement of Human Birth.
Program details: Under this package, these sessions will be held every day between 6 AM to 7 AM for 1 month(Sunday off).