Nothing is old for many people that also means ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure or just need of the life’, which is why it’s a great idea to give away things which you don’t use anymore. In this chilling winter, many people are living in just 1 layer which is not enough to safeguard themself. Hence, if you’re planning to throw away some old clothes which is enough to stop chilling wave then you’ll be happy to know there are simple ways in which you can give away the things you don’t need, and rest assured that the people you give it to will take good care of them.
At Being Spiritual Foundation, we are running a charitable initiative in Bareilly city where if anyone has old clothes and wishes to donate and also wants to be a volunteer in this noble cause then you may call us for a home collection of those clothes at 0581-3500397, 8859893535.
Call us for a home collection of old clothes at 0581-3500397, 8859893535
Time is passing by Don’t wait take a part in this and take their blessings..!!