Big Muscle, Great thighs, Six packs etc are they good enough to bring good healthy life, and are they sustainable for a longer period? These are questions on which sometimes we need to think before we decide what we should do to bring good health and live a healthy lifestyle. Though each has its own benefits and we cannot really say one is better than the other. Thus, Yoga plays a very important role in our life as it is a combination of meditation, pranayama, asana, and savasana that integrates our body, mind and soul however, maximum time at the gym, we work on body parts only and that doesn’t bring calm to our soul and thus we fell restless many times perhaps yoga pushes us towards a greater purpose for wellbeing.
Yoga Connects the Mind, Body and Spirit
Yoga teaches us about compassion and the lessons of life on the mat while performing a challenging posture. Yoga helps to fight against fear and thus makes way for us to live quality of life.
At the gym, we might feel great while running on the treadmill or lifting heavy weights but by doing such a thing, we tend to sore our body to a great extend and again those are for a shorter period of time. While yoga teaches Body Consciousness, therefore, by teaching body consciousness, yoga can help to prevent injury and encourage us to be more mindful about every move during the asana. If you are looking for Best yoga tips and how to perform the best posture then you may connect and get the appointment done with best Gurus, masters, Coaches and experts at being Spiritual Foundation.
Yoga is all About “The Inside”
Yoga is a safe practice that is adaptable (can be gentle, soft, and relaxing, or it can be rigorous, active, and fiery or it can be in between) at any age or with any ability level. It offers a more holistic and sustainable approach to health and philosophy than a tiring gym where during a workout, it can be challenging to know our own limits while using the machines.
Thus in order to get more showoff body like we go hard and fast while surrounded and motivated by others who may not have the same constitution as us.
Feedback of Members about Gym and Yoga
Yoga leads towards a Way of Life
Gym is a way to stress our body by relying on heavy equipment and become something which is not last long and therefore many times it moves towards overactive nervous systems – The parasympathetic nervous system, relaxation response gets shorter which means that we stressed out. Hence through Yoga we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
Yoga can take us from a hot stress-mess to towards Spiritual zen goddess.
Yoga focuses on spiritual enlightenment and broadens your emotional awareness.
Yoga is about focusing on yourself. it is an amazing way to get fit and stay healthy, and we certainly don’t need to go to a gym to do it. At the gym, we breathe heavily, but it is not necessarily efficient for our body to live a healthy life while in yoga, the combination of pranayama (breath) techniques and posture sequences allows us to connect deeper into our body.
Yoga Improves Flexibility, Pliability and Strength
Yoga is a dynamic exercise that lengthens and tones our muscle and body to bring flexibility (refers to the mobility of the joint) however sometime strength comes with muscle density and that muscle is useless unless it is also pliable (the length and softness in the muscle).
Thus, these three, flexibility, pliability, and strength, are crucial for perfecting your body’s performance, and yoga offers it all.
Yoga is Adaptable
Person of any size, age, ability, or experience can perform yoga postures and variations of these asanas under trainer and we don’t have to be the strongest or most flexible person to take a yoga class or explore sequences on your own.
Yoga focuses both Body and Mind
The bending, extending and folding of yoga practice is beneficial for stomach-related problems, the circulatory system, the lymph system and many more body systems.
Benefits Yoga:
• Yoga benefits our body internally & externally.
• Yoga brings calmness & reduces stress.
• Yoga can be practiced by everyone.
• Yoga helps in Weight Loss.
• Yoga benefits the mind, body and spirit.
• Yoga teaches acceptance.
• Yoga is about focusing on yourself.
• Yoga is more efficient.
• Yoga eases your aches and pains.
• Yoga helps you breathe easier.
• Yoga reduces stress.
• Yoga improves concentration.
• Yoga also provides relief against constipation and bloating.
• Yoga is not time-restrictive since you can do it whenever you want.
• Therapeutic and de-stresses the mind and body.
• Easy to pick up for beginners.
• Requires just a yoga mat for practice.
• Improves joint flexibility and mobility.
• Stimulates positive thinking and mental relaxation.
Difference Between Yoga and Gym

- Yoga is the cheapest way to live and exercise and therefore yoga session doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money to attend.
- Yoga leads to a feeling of balance, inner fulfillment, and mental relaxation.
- Yoga focuses on spiritual enlightenment and broadens your emotional awareness.
- Yoga also gives you anti-ageing benefits.
- Yoga also provides relief against constipation and bloating.
- Since yoga is gentle on stomach.
- Yoga is not time and can be done at any time.
- Yoga can be done by a child, young or old
- A gym session requires you to travel to the gym or take membership as well as you may require a trainer to guide you throughout the exercise.
- Gym sessions focus on boosting your cardiovascular health and toning of muscles, without any focus on the aspect of mental health.
- Gym sessions involve just improving physical fitness only.
- Gym workouts don’t get rid of any diseases that are developing internally. However, they can help prevent certain serious conditions.
Gym workouts won’t give you relieve from constipation and bloating conditions. - The hard workouts help boost our appetite.
- Gym requires timings and schedules.
- Gym is usually done by young or older people.
Hence, both yoga and Gym would regulate our metabolism but if we want a holistic workout then Yoga is always better than Gym.