Daily Prediction on Capricorn (6th June 2022)
The day is problematic for Capricorn people. You can be surrounded by the people who will blame you for that which you have not done Avoid arguments. The transit of the moon can create a state of depression and anxiety. Have patience and remain in the company of good people. Give some money to needy people. Urine infection and leg pain can be the issue of health problems. The lucky colour is Golden and the lucky number is 9.
Weekly Capricorn Prediction (30th May to 5th June 2022)
The week is going to start with a lot of frustration confusion and miss understanding for Capricorn natives. Useless matters can make you angry and miss communication with more than one person can hurt you deeply. You will find yourselves unable to express your emotions and a state of miss understanding will create ahead. Don’t invest in share marketing. Love folks must get down the stairs of false imagination. Air castles are not having the worth surviving. Married folks ought to try to regain that precious time that was the reason for their marriage. Students can feel disappointed because of overthinking their future. Pain in the lower body and veins-related diseases can be seen during the week. Except for students, other Capricorn natives can get the support of luck to open the strong knots of anxiety at the mid-period of the week. The last two days of the week can give the courage to move ahead. Do the patth of Bhairav Chalisa and chant His mantras. Avoid wearing dull and dark color seasonal fruits and vegetables can make your mental health stronger.
Weekly Capricorn Prediction (23rd May to 29th May 2022)